Our Community

‘We will question, challenge and change…, because we are the answer, we are the change we want, and it starts with us…, it starts with me.’ – Emmanuel M. Ndabombi, Dir. The CYVIp Network

It is crucial that we meaningfully engage and actively  participate in the day to day decision making processes that affects our lives, and well-being. We can no longer remain beneficiaries and passive contributors to the actions that shape our future and those of our communities. Today we are young, energetic, more resilient, innovative and full of potentials; we must positively contribute to our societies by making a change for good. It is our generational commitment, to be better, and do better, for our world depends on it to achieve sustainable growth, peace and prosperity.

It is upon us to bring about the change we want in Uganda. Today I commit to do more for myself, my community and my beautiful country Uganda.


About Uganda

‘With over 60% of Africa’s population being below 25 years old, and 70% below 35 years; Africa is ranked as the world’s youngest continent, with a median age of 19.8 years old as of 2020’. UN’s Demographic Projections. 

Uganda as most of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by an active, enthusiastic and energetic youth-filled, population full of potentials and desire to positively contribute and meaningfully engage in the socioeconomic and political growth of their countries, and continent. Despite the continuous support by the government to promote youth empowerment and meaningful participation through the establishment of youth initiatives and programs; we still feel left behind, our voices marginalized and our contributions futile. We are young, energetic and innovative; our voices matter and our actions count; we must meaningful engage and participate in the decision making processes that affect our lives and communities by doing more; challenging ourselves to do better and be better, for ourselves, our future and our communities.

Uganda is precious to me, to you and to every other young person and beyond. It is time we join in the fight, together with our peers, communities, key actors, decision makers, our government to end hunger, youth unemployment, gender inequality and climate change because these issues play a key role in our health and wellbeing that continuously affect our growth and development of our communities.

We must end the blame game and stand strong together.

We must collaborate,

We must volunteer,

We must co-create,

We must fight to END…

All forms of Violence and Inequalities and commit to;

  • Promote Meaningful Youth Engagement and Participation,
  • Good health and well-being,
  • Peace and Sustainable Development.

Our Global Agenda

Our Vision

A gender inclusive community where the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Adolescents and Young People are promoted, respected and enjoyed.

Our Mission

Mobilize, Galvanize and Amplify Adolescents and Young People’s voices into meaningful actions and participation through information imparting, knowledge and skills sharing, volunteerism and community service.

More about our community, Click Here