Affiliate members are individuals working with/in different organizations, civil society, private or public sector who nonetheless are interested, committed, and willing to sacrifice their time as volunteers to the community. Affiliate members may belong to multiple organizations, groups or networks, but grow continuous interest in the work of the community, and would want to be a part of.
Membership Instructor
Affiliate Member
Affiliate Members are expected to constructively and progressively contribute to the growth of the community by adhering to the standards of operation and avoiding any form(s) of conflict of interest(s). They are considered experienced and better informed than other members and enjoy the same privileges and opportunities as other members, given their inputs and commitment to the community. Note: They are not allowed to vote or be nominated for positions outside their statutory, but can be considered for partnerships. Kindly reach out by email to for more information on memberships, and for more inquiries on/about how to partner.